I am beginning a new journey Monday, April 1st. I have decided I need to do something about my weight. It is out of control. Here is my story:
Two or three weeks ago Vickie saw an add in the Sunday paper for a weight loss seminar and wanted me to go. It was given by a chiropractor by the name of Darren Scott. I agreed to go but under a lot of duress. The seminar was on a Tuesday night in Layton. I put off calling until Tuesday afternoon and I got his answering machine. I figured I was in the clear because I probably wouldn't hear back from them at that late date. The ad said seating was limited and I figured they would be filled up. I was wrong.
His office called me back with the information about the seminar. I had been tending my granddaughters and was on my way home when Vick called and said I needed to be in Layton at 5:00 PM. I looked at the clock in the car and realized I was after 4:30 PM. I stopped at home and got the address and knew it would take a small miracle for me to get there on time.
I got there and went into the seminar. I was lucky, it had not started. I sat in the back, still very skeptical about all of this. I am from the old school and am very skeptical of things that are out of the norm. Both Cathi and Vick wanted me to see a reflexologist about my asthma and Cathi wants me to think about essential oils also. Still haven't decided that is the path I want to follow for my asthma.
Back to the seminar. I sat and listened to the things that Dr. Scott had to say. And somewhere during his seminar, what he was saying rang true. The fact that if the body wasn't right, it would lead to other things going wrong. He said that while getting the body to function properly you will lose weight along the way. What a novel concept. I have always believed the body has the ability to heal itself if it functioning properly. I believe our father in Heaven designed it that way, but we have to make sure our bodies are working properly.
I came home and told Vickie what I had learned. I think I was beginning to believe that this might be the way for me to get my weight under control..
Dr. Scott said for $65.00 you two visits with him. At the second visit he would review things from the first visit and let you know if he would accept your case. I figured two visits for $65.00, that was about the cost of two co-pays, so I did not have much to lose. Just time and a little money. But something in the back of my mind kept telling me there was truth in what Dr. Scott had said.
The first visit was very interesting to say the least. The testing consisted of neurological testing. Several of them were the sobriety tests used by police officers. Dr. Scott said he was checking to see how my brain was doing. I didn't do so good. I knew there were some problems but I didn't realize how much I had slipped.
The second visit was tonight. Vick went with me to this visit. When Dr. Scott talked about how bad my brain function was Vick got really scared. I knew I was forgetting things and having a few other memory and co-ordination problems but I had written them off as lack oxygen because of my asthma. Dr. Scott said that these problems will only get worse without some help. as we talked with Dr. Scott, he talked about a plan to help me. Vickie and I talked about it and she is happy that I am finally going to do something. She wants me to be around to see my grandchildren have children.
There are a couple of other things that happened during this time period that figured into my decision.First, my sister's first husband passed away from cancer. He was only three months older than me. When we went to the viewing my grand son wanted to see the body in the box. He didn't seem to be bothered by it but then he didn't know Ned. My thought was, I am not ready for my grandson to see me in the box. And I don't want my granddaughters asking where is Poppa and not understanding where I am. And not knowing me because they are so young. Secondly, I had a physical. The first question out of my Dr.'s mouth was "Have you considered bariatric surgery?' He went on to say "he rarely suggest that or even asks the question." I told him I had and the answer was No. He told me if I don't do something my life expectancy is about 7-9 years. Not a good prospect.
This journey is dedicated to several people who never give up on me: my daughter, my grand kids, my family, my friends, especially my good friend Mike. Mike you never give up on me, you never criticize me for all my half hearted attempts at losing weight and your good wife Becky. You are special people in my life. But most of all to my good wife, Vickie, I love you and I want to be around and hang out with you for a long time to come.
So the journey begins..................................
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