This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Week One - Day One - The Journey Began Today

The Journey to better health began today.

I thought I needed to add a couple of before pictures for all to see and to keep me reminded of what I need to change.  New pictures will be posted monthly to track my progress.

Cathi, Shawn and family were here last night for Easter Dinner and we talked about the coming changes.  I told them they will see changes and Cath said that everybody could use the changes.  We will see how happy everybody is in the future.  Vickie is excited for them.

I erased all the old posts of my feeble attempts at losing weight.  I left my original post as a reminder to me of somethings I need to remember for personal reasons.  I just spent time on the phone with my little sister.  She is always in my corner and I appreciate her support.  She is always in my corner.  I have talked with a small group of people about this venture and a small number of those know a lot of the details.  I don't need a lot of people bringing their negative vibes into this as it is going to be hard enough.  Dr. Scott says I will have days that I will fall and that is okay just get up and get back at it.

I also got a call from my Primary Care Doctor tonight in following up on an echo cardiogram I had done a few days ago.  He said I don't have congestive heart failure but that I have the precursors to congestive heart failure.  He also said my blood pressure is a high and so he is going to start me on some blood pressure meds.  I am going down fast.  I guess I need to get busy and take this program with Dr. Scott seriously.  I think everybody is going to make sure I do.  And I am thankful for that.

As I said, the journey began today with my first visit to Dr. Scott.  One of the first things Dr. Scott said was "I would not feel like a million bucks tomorrow."  I know he was referring to the fact that I should not expect miracles.  It has taken me 35+ plus years to get in this shape and I have to keep reminding myself that it is going to take a great deal of time to get out of this shape.  That being said, I was taught that round is a shape.

I need to have some blood teats this week and when Dr. Scoot get the results we will begin working on my diet and nutrition.  Until them he is working on the neurological problems.  Dr. Scott told me I have peripheral neuropathy.  To that end part of what they did today was give me a cold laser treatment on my feet.  Soaked my feet in Epsom salts with an electrical charge.  That felt kind of interesting, to feel the muscles in the calves of my legs twitch.  I didn't hurt.  While my feet were soaking he had me use a hand pedal to exercise while I wore oxygen (EWOT).  He wants to get more oxygen in my blood.  I wore the oxygen while they did a decompression on my back.  I then got a whole body vibration.  That was a weird feeling.  Overall I felt pretty good when I left his office.

When I got home, I was telling Vickie about it and she said "That's all they did?  I was expecting some big miracle."  I reminded her how long it took me to get into this shape and it is going to take some time to get out of this shape.  She agreed.  I sure love her.

I will close for tonight.  I get to go back a have Dr. Scott and his staff beat me up more tomorrow.  Good night.

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