Recently I received a call from my Dr. He had been looking over some old notes and came across notes from a talk we had on my last visit with him. Mind you it has been some time since I saw him last.
I knew this wasn't going to be good for me when he said I am a walking time bomb and he had a few questions for me.
His questions were as follows:
1. Was I keeping my food journal? Answer: No. He again challenged me to get it out and use it. He even suggested maybe I should use my phone and take pictures of what I ate every day for a week and then review it. Not sure I want to do that but I told him I would start my journal.
2. Am I walking 10,000 steps a day? Answer: No. He challenged me to add 1,000 steps a day every week until I reached a minimum of 10,000 or more.
3. Am I keeping my carbs to between 160-180 daily? Answer: No. He told me using my food journal should get me doing that.
4. How many times am I swimming? Answer: Not as much as I should be. He told me to get my butt in the pool at least 4 times a week and 5 or 6 would be better.
5. Am I cooking healthy and posting the recipes to my blog? Answer: No. Do we see a pattern here? Again, he challenged me to get back at it.
6. Am I writing on my blog to become accountable to any one that follows me to be doing these things? Again I had to say no. So now we begin again.
Then he added a couple of new things. Since I don't spend a lot of time outside he wants me to take Vitamin D every day and he wants my water consumption to be at least 150 ounces a day and no eating after 7 pm.
I told him these things are doable but I will also add recipes to my regular blog and I will still go out to dinner on occasion. He said that was okay just watch my portions and maybe consider taking half my meal home. He also told me to cut down my sugar intake. Boy is he cracking down. I laughed at the last suggestion because I do have a sweet tooth. He said we have had this talk a number of times and since I know what I should be doing we shouldn't have to have this talk again. I told him I know he is tired of wasting his time with me on this subject and he answer was I don't care how often we talk about it because he has to be there anyway but I need to quit wasting my money on co-pays and then not doing what he tells me to do.
I guess I better pull up my big boy pants and do it. It seems my wife, daughter, grand kids and friends want me to hang around a little longer. Watch this blog for updates
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