This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

There are some recipes on this page but most of them can be found under the healthy recipe tab on my main page.

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

2017 All Over Again...................................

I guess this post could probably be labeled "same old story and why should this time be any different"?

Before I get into this post I need to post a couple of things.  First, I have been wanting to get back to my blog for quite some time and it is time to get off my butt and do it.  Second, I know I need to be watching what I eat but I will still be posting to my regular recipe page as well as my healthy recipe page.

Now to get into my post, which will possibly be a long one.

A few months ago I had another visit with my Dr. about the same old stuff.  He is concerned about my weight as always.  After some discussion we have come to an agreement that I have a food addiction.  I know I am addicted to carbs and sugar.  I know that there are studies both pro and con on whether sugar is addictive or not.  But for me, once I have some sugar, ie. a candy bar or jelly beans, etc, I have a hard time staying away from it.  As many who know me, know I have candy stashed every where, in my vehicles, by my computers, in my closet, in my cupboards etc.  When it goes on sale after Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween or Christmas I can't pass up the deals.  My grand kids even know I always have the sweet stuff around and they always ask for some because my daughter won't keep it around their house.  I have even had chocolate so long it has turned white but I eat it anyway.  Is that sad or what.  But I did make a small step today.  I pulled one of the storage containers down and cleaned it out and actually threw some of the candy out.

Another thing my Dr. is after me about is swimming.  He wants me to swim because it is a good form of exercise and not so hard on my joints because I am a very big boy.  I am paying membership to a gym with a pool and they love me because I don't use it.  I keep telling my wife I am going to but I don't.  In a couple of months I will be able to get my membership for free because of Silver Sneakers as part of my Medicare rider.  Vickie says she wont care then if I go or not.  I was talking with a friend of mine that says he needs to go and I said "I need to go and you know I need to go and you need to go and I now you need to go, so no more B.S. I will pick up up Monday morning but he has Dr.'s appt so I said I will be there Tuesday no excuses.  It will be for the best for both of us.

My Dr.  also wants me to keep a food diary.  I start off great but seem to lose the desire to track my carbs.  My Dr. says to track my carbs and not to worry about the calories.  He wants my carbs around 130 to 150 a day.  With the way I love bread and bread products it is hard to keep the carbs down because everything has carbs and when I get hungry my go to snack is toast with peanut butter and jam with a glass of milk.  That snack alone contains 60+ carbs and that is not a good choice at 10:00 at night when my carbs are usually above 150 by that point anyway.  So when I do things like that, I quit my journal because I don't want to write it down and I know if I am not getting results and my Dr. looks at my food journal and these type of things aren't recorded he is going to know I haven't been totally honest.

The other thing I need to work on is my steps.  I am not averaging very my 2500-3000 a day.  I end up using my cane a lot and that does not make me very happy.  That also means I am spending a lot of time not moving and consequently my weight shows it.  My goal is by the end of May to be at 10,000 a day.  That means I have to add about 160 steps a day to my average to make it.  I used to walk that without any problem.

Now for what I am doing that is different this time.  I am in an Addiction Class for my Food Addiction.  I am realizing this is going to take a lot of hard work to over come this addiction just as it would a drug or alcohol addiction.  There are several things I am doing in conjunction with the class. First, I got a mentor.  I have some one I report on a regular basis that is keeping an eye on me and not only gives positive reinforcement but is also not afraid to get after me when I need it.  I appreciate him and all he does for me.  Second, I am back on my blog.  I enjoy posting to the different pages on my blog.  Third, I am working on increasing my steps.  I hope to reach my goal early.  My mentor walks over 15,000 several days a week.  When Vickie and I went to dinner with him and his wife last Friday he was averaging almost 12,000 a day.  My ultimate goal is over 15,000 a day.  Fourth, tomorrow, my food journal comes back into play and this time for real,  This time everything passes my lips will be recorded daily.  My goal is 130-150 carbs daily.  Just what the Dr. ordered.  I am also headed for the pool this week.   Once I get there I enjoy it and it is great exercise for me.

I need to do these things this time.  My son-in-law lost his father recently to a heart attack and my grand kids are worried that they are going to lose me.  My lung function runs about 48% most of the time but it has been know to dip down to around 40%.  My pulmonologist says my lung function will never be 100% because of my allergy induced asthma but if I would lose some weight I could get get into the 60% range and that would be a great improvement.  And who knows, I may even live a little longer.  I have an appt. with my primary care Dr on the 7th of May and my pulmonologist on the 13th of June and I want to be headed in a positive direction finally for both appointments.

I owe a big thanks to my mentor Dave for his support and being there for me.  I also want my wife and family to know how much I love them and appreciate the support of me, no matter how many times I try this.   Until next time..........................................

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