This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

There are some recipes on this page but most of them can be found under the healthy recipe tab on my main page.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Rest Stop - I Am Not Dead

I have asked by several people what has happened.  They want to know if I am still alive and kicking and how my weight loss is coming.  If you have looked at my weight loss tracker, you may notice that something doesn't look right and you are right.  My scale always weighed me a lot lighter than my Dr.'s scales.  I liked mine better but I have decided to get real and accept the weight that my Dr.'s show me to be.  If I moved my scale a fraction of an inch I could show a 20-30 lb loss or gain.  I have now figured if I set it on a tile I have it shows the same weight as my Dr and thus my weight now shows at over 340 lbs.  But that is okay because that means my beginning weight was about 411 lbs and up to this point I have still lost over 60 lbs and that makes me happy.  I have also set goals for weight loss for each week to be able to lose the 150 lbs I am striving to lose by the time I have been on this journey for a year, which will be April of 2014.  Vick and I have set up some incentives along the way.  They will be for every 25 pounds I lose.  One of the incentives is being in a commercial Dr. Scott wants to do but Vick and I have agreed that I need to be losing big time again before I can take part.  And he is talking about doing this commercial in the next couple  of months, so I need to kick it in gear.

My visits with Dr. Scott had been stretched out to every other week but he felt I had lost my fire and I have been visiting with him every week recently to get it back.  I had fallen to about 60-70 percent dedication to this journey and Dr. Scott was concerned I was slipping farther.  I know what to do, I just need to do it.  I am now at about 80-85 per cent back on track, with a goal of being back to about 95 per cent in the next couple of weeks. Dr. Scott says just take small steps.  He has me keeping a food journal and it includes how many times I go to the Gym.  He wants me going at least four times and preferably 5 to 6 time a week.  And I have to show him my food journal when we visit.  I know I feel a lot better when I eat smart.  I will also be blogging again because I have still been reading about nutrition and exercise and have several recipes to put on this site.

I am very thankful to Dr. Scott for all the help he has given me.  Because of his program and concern for my health and well being I have been able to lose 60 pounds, which is something I had been unable to do on my own.

On the lighter side. a little trivia and a couple of interesting observations from an errand I ran tonight.

First the observations: I went to put gas in my truck tonight at the local mini mart and noticed a couple of signs on the gas pumps.  First, I could get a two cent per gallon discount on my fuel purchase for buying a 44 ounce soda and the second was I could get a 3 cent per gallon discount for a purchase of two Red Bulls. The first one caught my attention because I heard earlier today that the American people consume over 5 billion gallons of soda which equates to over 50 gallons per person.  Since Vick and I drink almost no soda, somebody is drinking my share.  No wonder we have an obesity problem.

Now for the trivia:  What item has sold over half a trillion since it began being produced 100 years ago?

The answer in my next post, which will be posted tomorrow night.

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