This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

There are some recipes on this page but most of them can be found under the healthy recipe tab on my main page.

To return to my main page with links to my other blogs click here Rick's Life

Monday, April 29, 2013

Week Five - Day One - Monthly Photo

376 lbs
376 lbs

Today begins my fifth week with Dr. Scott.  It is not day one but actually day 29.  Today completes week two of the Repairvite program.  Only two more to go and then I start Clearvite.  I am not sure how thrilled I am about that but I will at least get to add something new to my diet.  I did ask Dr. Scott about the Carmel flavored weed water but he said usually when they add flavors to it, it makes it worse.  Besides I have already taken it for two weeks and I only have two more weeks to go.  I fell pretty good in the fact that I have lost 24 pounds since this journey began.  I hoped for more but I have to realize it took me a lot of years to get in this shape and it is going to take a few to get back in shape.  As much I as I wish there was, there is not magic bullet for weight loss.  I have tried a large portion of the things out on the market with little or no success. After 29 days I am still not sure why I am working so hard on this journey and program.  Maybe it was when my Dr. said, if something didn't change I would be dead in six to eight years.  For some reason the word "dead" can cause a lot of changes in ones life.

Today I added a photo journal to this blog.  I wanted to have the pictures of me during this journey all in one place as well as contained in the post on the last Monday of the month.  Vick says she can tell a difference and maybe I can see a small change in the pictures.

Photo Journal

Since today is photo day I decided to keep add a photo journal to the blog.  I now have a place I can keep all the pictures I take every four weeks to visually track my progress.

Week One   April 1, 2013   400.0 lbs

Week 5   April 29, 2013   376.4

Week 9  May 27, 2013  352.1

Week 13  June 24, 2013  344.4



Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rest Stop - Sugar Addiction

If I keep making these rest stops I may never get through this journey.  I know the main purpose of this blog is to journal my visits and program I am following with Dr. Scott, but I am learning a great deal and use these rest stops to share that information.

One of the things I can not have is sugar and boy has that been hard.  I like to keep a dish of candy by my computer and I have a dish of candy in the living room plus other stashes around the house.  When I die they will be finding candy until the millennium, probably.  Anyway, a couple of articles I have read in the last couple of  days deal with sugar addiction.  I have always joked about it but deep down in side I knew it was real.

Here are the two articles:
The first one is titled  Your Brain on Sugar...... It gives you a rush, messes with your mind, and always leaves you wanting more - and now researchers are calling for the government to regulate the sweet stuff like a drug.  Read more...http:// 

The second article is titled  How To Get Over Your Sugar Addiction......Are you a life long sweet tooth(AKA sugar addict)?  Can't finish a meal without something sweet to top it off?  Stomach has a reserve tank purely for sweets?  Me too.  I could be completely full after a meal yet have plenty of room for an 800 calorie dessert.  My palate isn't discriminating either, it loves real sugar and fake sugar, you name it, anything sweet will do.  Read more...http://

Will I give up sugar totally?  I don't think that will happen in this lifetime.  I will cut down considerably though.  Vick said our future treats need to be fruit based and I told her I would still be baking goodies.  There will be cookies and other sweet treats around here but I wont keep them around until they are gone.  I will take them to work or give them to friends and neighbors but I can't see myself quitting the baking and cooking thing because I enjoy it and I have been doing it since I was in the fifth grade.  And at my age that is a long time.  But for now these things are not on my life style change and so when I make something I give it all away.  Time to get get back to my journey.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Rest Stop - About Repairvite Supplements

This may be more than a rest stop turn out to be and overnight stay.  I have  a lot of things on my mind tonight.

First of all I had a visit with my allergist today.  He commented on how good I looked.  he asked me how long it had been since I used my abutirol and I told him I had not used it in the last two weeks.  He was happy with that and I had not even thought about it until he asked and I was quite happy also.  We talked about the possibility of going off the Xolair shots this fall and going to the maintenance shots I was on before.  That would be two shots every three weeks instead of two shots every two weeks.  The shots would be a normal shot instead of peanut butter.  I can only hope.

After talking with a couple of people about the program I am on and while they were looking at my blog, they asked what weed water is.  As I looked at my posts, I realized I haven't said anything about tha actual supplements I am on.  I have described their taste but not what they are.  I am on four different things: 1. Ultra D complex:  I take a teaspoon three times a day.  It is supposed to be orange flavor.  If it is, that is the weirdest flavor of orange I have ever tasted and I don't mean in a good way.  2. RepairVite K60:  Weed water.  I take a scoop in 8 oz of water twicw a day. I don't think I will ever get used to this one. After looking it up on the internet, I see I comes incarmel flavor. I will be asking Dr. Scott about that.  3. RepairVIte K64:  This one is three capsules in a package.  It is not bad but still has the weed taste.  I take 1 package of 3, twice a day. 4. Strengtia Probiotics:  This is a capsule also.  I take 1 capsule twice a day.  And just for the record I do know what weeds taste like because I was the city gardener for 15 years and pulled a lot of weeds.  I know there are more supplements in my future as I move on to the other phases.

Part of this RepairVite Program is no Gluten of any type for at least this first phase and probably longer.  I never knew I was allergic to gluten.  According to the blood test from my Primary Care Doctor, I don't have a problem.  But according to the blood test I had done for Dr. Scott I am.  He showed me the markers used by my Dr. but the several of the other markers, not used by my Dr. showed a reaction to gluten.  In researching being gluten free I came across a couple of good articles: 1. 50 Shades of Gluten  and 2. Gluten: 5 things you need to know  Will I ever go gluten free?  I don't think I will be 100% gluten free but I will make smarter choices.

This lifestyle change is making me aware of the choices, as I have heard, good, better, best.  A lot of the choices I have made wouldn't even be the good one, let alone better or best.

This recipe comes from Cooking Light magazine May 2009.

Chicken and Strawberry Salad

1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 Tbsp water
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
2 Tbsp olive oil

4 cups torn romaine lettuce
4 cups arugula
2 cups quartered strawberries
1/3 cup vertically sliced red onion
12 oz skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast, sliced
2 Tbsp unsalted cashews, halved
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese

1. To prepare dressing, combine first five ingredients in a small bowl.  Gradually drizzlle in oil, stirring constantly with a whisk.
2. To prepare salad, combine romaine and next four ingredients(through chicken) in a bowl.  Toss gently.  Place about two cups chicken mixture on each of four plates.  Top each serving with 1 1/2 teaspoons cashews and 2 Tablespoons cheese.  Drizzle about four teaspoons dressing over each serving.

Because I can not have nuts, sugar and dairy I left those things off the salad.  I also used a Spring Salad Mix from Costco and apple cider vinegar instead of red wine vinegar.  It was good and I am sure I will have it several more times through out this program.

Good night all.  It is time for my weed cocktail and go to bed.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week Four - Day Three - Dragon Fruit

My third visit to Dr. Scott's office brings week four to a close.  The routine was the same as all the other days. I will see him three times a week for the next two weeks and then I will visit his office twice a week for six weeks and I am not sure after that.  What a journey.

I do have a confession to make.  Last night I screwed up and fell of the wagon.  I had been doing such a good job not eating anything that is on the foods to avoid and last night I forgot that dried apricots were on that list and ate about a dozen of them.  They tasted god but I have repented and they are out away for the time being.  Climbed back on the wagon today.  Onward and upward.

One of the schools I work at is a Title 1 school which means there are a lot of low income students.  To that end the get an extra snack a couple of times a week.  In the past the have gotten things such as miniature bananas, three colored carrots, apples and asparagus.  Today they got Dragon Fruit.  Click the following link to find out about Dragon Fruit:  Without thinking about it, I ate a piece of it.  When I got to Dr. Scott's office I asked him if it was okay.  Luckily it is, so I did not fall off the wagon again.   It tasted pretty good and the girls that work for Dr. Scott want to try some.  I will have to see if I can find one.  I a not sure if Vick will try it but I will see, if I can find one.  The school gets their produce through a produce man and I will have to get them to ask him where I might be able to purchase it.  This change in eating habits may getting me eating a lot of new things.

As for the Fish Tacos, I did make them and Vick loved them.  She said she wants them in the menus a couple of time a month.  She also wants me to find more fish recipes.  Interesting turn of events in this house.

Stepped on the scales this morning and it showed a loss of four pounds for the last four days.  Not what I hoped for but I will take any loss.  Monday I will record my weight and take an updated picture and post both. Time to take my weed cocktail and head for bed.  Goodnight.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week Four - Day Two - Chiropractic Routine

In reality this is the eight day of the Repairvite Program.  Just finished my nightly weed cocktail.  I have to keep reminded myself that those things that don't kill us will only make us stronger.  Actually I can almost stand the dose of super Vitamin D.  The weed water has a ways to go.  I mix the powder with just enough water to get it down in two or maybe three gulps and then I can stand it.

When I went to Dr. Scott's office today , I wasn't expecting to see him, since I only see him twice a week but as luck would have it I got to visit with him.  He was quite surprised I had no questions today. Did the usual program cold laser, rebuilder room, decompression bed, roller bed and full body vibration.  I wonder what the purpose of Full Body Vibration was and found the following:
Scientific research on the effects of vibration therapy has been conducted all over the world.  The results suggest the people with debilitating conditions may achieve the many results of exercise while working within their personal limitations and minimizing stress on their joints and ligaments.  Here are some of the many clinical studies that have been performed.  Read more:
I told Dr. Scott I would look into everything he has me do or tells me.  So far I think this program is great and well documented.

Today I found out the importance of eating protein within thirty minutes of waking up.  For some reason I did not eat before I went to work.  I wasn't to worried about it, but that was a mistake.  After being there about 45 minutes I started feeling light headed and sick to my stomach.  It dawned on me I had not eaten anything, let alone protein since last night.  I was lucky we have diced turkey breast at the school.  I ate about 6 oz. of it and began to feel better.  I won't let that happen again.

I have to confess I did not have fish tacos tonight and no I didn't cheat on my program.  By the time I got home from Dr. Scott's office Vickie was already eating her dinner, so I had chicken and vegetables.  Tomorrow I will be home all afternoon and will have time to fix the tacos for both of us.  I am actually looking forward to it.  It will be a change from the chicken and beef I have been eating for the last eight days.

I have a number of friends that do not like McDonald's.  I have always maintained I could live on their food. Today I found out if I ate enough I would probably never die or at least my body would not decay>  Great story about a man who has kept a hamburger form McDonald's and the bun and meat have not begun to decompose, mold, grow fungus or smell.  The pickle however is beginning to disintegrate.  Read this story at:  .  Maybe I will rethink my McDonald's addiction.  Of course with this program I am on I can't have McDonald's anyway, so I guess it is a mute point.  great story anyway.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week Four - Day One - Fish Tacos with Orange Slaw

Today is seven days since I started the Repairvite program.  So far no cheating.  It hasn't been all that hard.  I just set my mind to it and move on.  It was a good weigh in today.  Lost about 12 lbs.  Makes my loss about 15 pounds since I started working with Dr. Scott.  If I can lose about ten pounds a week for the next three weeks I will surprise Dr. Hardman when I see her.  I have three weeks left on the Repairvite program and hen I think I am moving into the Clearvite program.  That will be phase two.

Vick has started making me a fruit smoothie every night.  They contain an apple, orange, 7-10 strawberries, 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries and 1/4-1/2 cup of coconut milk.  Very good treat.  Everybody  is worried I am not eating enough.  I finished the week with a little over 7000 calories.  Dr.Scott says I should be getting a minimum of 1500 a day.  I asked him if I could have the 3500 I missed this week.  He wasn't very amused.  Actually this hasn't been a bad week.  I am still not liking the weed water and Vitamin D but I take them anyway.  Dr. Scott said when he was in Seattle over the weekend he stopped by the Hard Rock Cafe and they have a burger on their menu that over 2200 calories.  It did not really even sound good to me.  What's happening to me?  That would normally be making me salivate all over the place and now I don't really want one.  Changes like that it my make up could spell trouble for me.  I might even be starting to eat better and not go back to my old ways when this is all over, but then I think that is the goal of this whole journey.

Today followed the same routine.  Rebuilder Room, Cold Laser, Decompression and Roller Bed and Full Body Vibration.  My back does feel better.  I will continue three time a week this week and two more and then kick down to twice a week for six weeks.  Great new adventure.

This will dinner tomorrow night:

Fish Tacos with Cabbage-Orange Slaw

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp lime zest
1 lb. frozen tilapia fillets
8 corn tortillas, warmed

Cabbage Orange Slaw
2 cups tri-color coleslaw
1/2 cup mandarin oranges halved crosswise
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 Tbsp lime juice
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper

Mix together 1 Tbsp olive oil, chili powder and lime zest.  Pour mixture over fish fillets, coating all sides.  Refrigerate while making coleslaw.  Heat remaining tablespoon olive oil in large non stick skillet over medium heat until hot.  Add fish fillets and cook until fish slakes and is cooked through, about 7-10 minutes. Remove fish to cutting board and cut into large bite size pieces.  For cabbage slaw, combine all ingredients and toss well to mix.  Divide fish equally among tortillas and top with Cabbage Orange Slaw.

I will use green leaf lettuce leaves for mine and cook corn tortillas for my wife.  I will also mix a little lime juice with some sour cream for my wife.  Maybe someday I will get to have the corn tortillas and sour cream.  I can only hope.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rest Stop - Apple Cider Vinegar

I use these rest stops for visits with other Dr.'s than Dr. Scott and anytime I want to add something to my blog.  I told Dr. Scott I am researching this program and the things he asks me to do.

One of the things I can have on the program is Apple Cider Vinegar.  Tonight on the Internet I found some interesting information on Apple Cider Vinegar.

If you think apple cider vinegar is only good for adding tart flavor to salad dressing, then you are missing out on all that the health remedy has to offer.  As far back as 400 B.C. Hippocrates(known as the father of modern medicine), would prescribe apple cider vinegar to treat a variety of illnesses.   From weight loss to improved insulin levels, apple cider vinegar is a small addition to  your daily diet that can make a big change.
                        Read more at:  

If nothing else, as Vickie said tonight, I will cook more healthy meals and be more aware of what and how much I am eating.  Tomorrow is weigh in day, it will be interesting to see where I am.

     "The reason fat people are happy is that their nerves are well protected"
                                                                                              Luciano Pavarotti

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week Three - Day Three - Visit with Dr. Scott

This should have been written yesterday but I just didn't get to it.  In fact it will probably wont be finished until tomorrow night.  It is late and I am beat.  The only reason I am still up is I am waiting for some laundry to dry, so I can get it hung up.

Did a quick calculation today as to the total number of calories I have consumed since starting this eating plan on Tuesday and the grand total is 4300.  Just over 1000 a day.  I have had days where I have consumed that many and more in a single day.  Dr. Scott wants me to be eating at least 1500 a day.  That is going to take some effort.  I will probably be around 1000-1200 a day for the next 3 1/2 weeks.  Should lose some major weight.

Visited with Dr. Scott yesterday and got what I think will be the last of my lab results back.  As he figured, he said I have two of the three problems with leaky gut.  I never even new such a problem existed until I started going to Dr. Scott.  I have been a fair amount of research on the Internet and I am surprised at how much information there is and how common it seems to be.  The supplements he started me on are to help heal my leaky gut.  They still don't taste good but I getting to where I can tolerate them a little more.

Vick and I spent the evening babysitting our grand kids, since there mother had to work tonight and their dad wasn't home from work when mom had to go to work.  Their dad called a said he was bring Pizza home for dinner and I knew I was in for a test.  Surprisingly enough I wasn't really tempted.  I mean a slice or two would have tasted good but I wasn't interested, even when I cut up the pieces for my grand daughters.  I was a little surprised to say the least but Dr. Scott said my taste buds will change and maybe this is the beginning.  I have some chocolate in the house and Vick wants me to get rid of them but I use it a small victory every day when I don't get into it.  I would usually go looking for it when I was bored and felt I need something to eat.  I would especially be into it when I am on my computer late, like I am most nights.  Now I keep carrot and celery sticks by my computer.  My gumball machine is still there and it is full of gumballs but I haven't touched them yet.  Another small victory in my journey.

As a whole my visits to Dr. Scott's office have fallen in to a routine of decompression bed, roller bed, cold laser treatment, foot soak, exercise with oxygen and full body vibration.  That is about all for this entry.  Goodnight.

Rest Stop - Wasatch Therapy Visit

This is a couple of days late.  Life has gotten in the way.  Today Vick and I went to Wasatch Therapy for a little training on leg Massage.  My Dr. is a little worried about Lymphedema in my left leg.  Melissa was good at explaining to Vick just what she has to do.  I was also fitted for compression socks.  Vick has to put them on me.  I can tell these are not going to be fun to wear in the summer.  I sure have a good wife.  She is doing all this to keep me living.  I sure do love her.

Time to get back on the road.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week Three- Day Two - Repairvite Begins Today

Day Eight refers to my eighth visit with Dr. Scott and his staff.  I have actually been on this journey for 16 days.

I started the Repairvite program today.  It is phase one and will last about four weeks.  I still can't believe I am paying for this much fun.  I take four different supplements a day.  Three of them twice and the other I take three times a day.  The one I take three times a day is a super charged Vitamin D.  It is supposed to be orange flavored but I am not sure where the flavor comes from.  It tastes like a moldy orange smells.  Two of the other three supplements are capsules, so if I swallow them quickly they aren't too bad.  The third one is a totally different story.  It is a powder that has to be mixed in water and boy does it taste bad.  Drinking dirt would taste better.  I told the Dr. today, I can tell these supplements weren't chosen because they taste good.  He said some people mix it with coconut milk, which is the only thing I can drink besides water, others take it as shots.  I just have to chug it and get it over with.  Can you  say..... YUCK ....... I still have to take take last dose tonight.  Not looking forward to it.

All three of them contain extracts of plants, weeds, flowers and trees.  This seems a little weird for me to be taking these when I have allergy induced asthma and I am allergic to all of those things.  They don't seem to be bothering me but I do keep my Albuterol handy and make sure I am up on my meds.  Everybody seems to think if I will lose some weight by allergies and asthma will go away.  We shall see.

As I said, I started phase one today.  I have cut out sugar, dairy, eggs, wheat  and a number of other things.  Dr. Scott said I needed protein with 30 minutes of getting up, so I cooked up a couple of chicken breasts.  I had a chicken breast with carrots and an apple for breakfast.  Lunch was a hamburger patty, carrots, and a couple of oranges.  Dinner was a salad with chicken, strawberries and lemon juice for dressing.  I have also consumed vast quantities of water.  A couple of snack consisted of grapes, carrots and apples.  I think the problem is going to be getting enough calories daily.  Dr. Scott want me to eat at least 1200 and not go below 1000.  I told Dr. Scott when you take away sugar, carbs, dairy and eggs, it should be easy to lose weight.  Watch for the weight post next Monday to see how much I have dropped.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week Three - Day One - Better known as the Day of Reckoning

One piece of good news this morning is I was down another 1.7 pounds.  I am not really trying to lose weight, just watching a little closer to what, how much and when I eat.

That all changed with my visit to Dr. Scott this afternoon.  I knew this day was coming.  He is only missing one test result but he had enough to change my eating.  I am now on what is know as the Repairvite Program.  It is A Systemic Dietary and Nutritional Program for Intestinal Barrier Integrity.  Better know as Leaky Gut.  There is a lot about this program and problem on the Internet. This link is a good one for information about the treatment I am embarking on:   It is going to be quite change of life for this household.  Dr. Scott says this is phase one and will last about four weeks  and then I move into phase two. This should be quite a ride.  I am not to keen on giving up sugar and bread and dairy among other things, but Dr. Scott says down the road some of these thing will be re-introduced.  As I talked with my daughter about this program tonight she said to do it 100% and don't cheat in any way.  I told her that is the plan, Vick and I have a lot of money and faith in Dr. Scott and I have a lot of time invested at this point and I am not going to turn my back on it.  Tomorrow morning begins the fun.  I am not looking forward to the with drawls from sugar and wheat and other things.  That will be the test, can I keep my cool and get through these next few days.

Tonight I suggested something really stupid on my part.  I told Vick we needed to go to dinner and enjoy my last supper before I started cleaning up my act tomorrow.  We went to Golden Corral all you can eat.  We took the kids with us.  That part was fun.  The twins were really good and ate a lot.  Issac was good too.  He ate a lot of lasagna and plenty of sweets.  We had a hard time explaining to him why we were doing something bad for our bodies tonight, so we could start being good tomorrow.  That boy is to smart and he is only five.  It is after 11 and I am feeling miserable.  I think I am going to have a drink of water and go to bed.

Let the fun begin........................................

Rest Stop - Visit with my Allergist

This post should have been done last Friday.  I went to see my allergist, Wes, for my Xolair shots.  I get them every two weeks and they are about as thick as peanut butter.  i get one in each arm.  They are to help with my asthma.  They seem to be working.  I hope to be able to get off them in the future.  Every other visit I have to do a Peak Flow Test.  My lung function is stable at about 52%.  That is a long way from the 36% it was a couple of years ago.  Wes would like to get it to be a little higher and hopefully as some of this weight comes off and my system starts functioning properly my Peak Flow will go up and I can get off some of the medicines I am on.  Time will tell.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week Two - Day Three - Another Step in the Journey

Another visit with the Chiropractor today.  Saw Dr. Scott.  He is good at answering my questions and making sure I understand what is going on and what the test mean.  He is dealing with may of the same issues as his patients and that makes it easier to believe is is in this to help his patients.

I could not remember what the program I am in was called and so I asked and he said it is "Functional Neurology."  As I looked it up on the internet I found quite a bit of information.  He explained to me that more MD's would like to practice functional neurology but can't because their hands are tied by the hospitals, clinics and insurance.  After some of the reading I did today, I believe it.  All the things I read seem to make a lot of sense.  This is going to be a good journey in may ways.

Today I concluded the Th1 test and start the Th2 tomorrow. They take three days each.  I did not have a good or bad reaction to the Th1 test.  Dr. Scott said that was good.  A little bit more about these tests.
T helper cells  (Th cells) are a sub group of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, that play an important role in measuring the immune system, particularly in the adaptive immune system.  They help the activity of other immune cells by releasing T cell cytokines.  They are essential in B cell antibody class switching, in the activation and growth of cytotoxic cells, and in maximizing bactericidal activity of phagocytes such as macrophages.  If you under stand this than you are a better man than me.  It was explained to me as good cells and bad cells.  The Th1 are the bad guys and the Th2 keep them in check.  The Th1 go around randomly and indiscriminately killing cells and when they out number the Th2 there is trouble.  Not that is any clearer but it helps my a little.  You can read more about Th1 and Th2 at:    if you would like.

I followed the same routine as the past five days.  We are still waiting on the rest of test results to go to the next phase of this program.  Dr. Scott expects to have them early next week and then onward and upward.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week Two - Day Two - Obesity

Did not see Dr. Scott today, but then I knew I wouldn't see him every visit.  The routine is the same.  Cold Laser on the feet, soak the feet, exercise with oxygen therapy, back decompression, roller bed and total body vibration.  Dr Scott will work with my diet when the rest of my test results are in.  I do know my lower back is starting to feel better.  I am not sure if I am feeling much better yet, but I know it will take some time.    I need to get a little exercise along the way, too.  With the swimming pool down, I need to start walking at the Mall.  I need to get Vick to walk with me.  Hopefully in the next few days we will be doing that.

Talked with Cath today and she is concerned about Shawn.  I told her that she can't force him into anything, it has to come from within.  I explained to her mine came with the news a couple of weeks ago that if I don't change, I don't have to many more years left in this life.  I told her as I learn I will do all I can to help her husband.

Tonight, Vickie and I were watching her favorite show "19 Kids and Counting" and it was about the father and one son needing to loss weight and get in shape.  Vick made the comment that her first thought about having me do this program by Dr. Scott was not about losing weight but saving my life.  I think she is going to be a hard task master with this because she says she wants to keep me around for awhile longer.  She is always mentioning about all the things she will have to do when I leave her alone and that doesn't give me a warm fuzzy.

I was listening to a program on the radio this afternoon about a study that says this is the first generation that will not out live their parents.  And the reason for this is obesity.  Here are a couple of reads on the subject:

That makes me nervous for my grandchildren.  I need to set the example by eating better and exercising.  If I don't then who will?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week Two - Day one - Blood Test Resulsts

Someone said they would have to lose a hundred pounds to be considered morbidly obese.  I think that goes for me too, but this week I lost 1.3 lbs without even trying.  Last Friday I had to go have a second blood test  at a second lab.  It only took them five sticks to get my blood drawn.  And the last stick, the lady used a butterfly needle.  When she asked the guy that was helping her, if that was that smallest needle they had I began to worry.  Then I told just get it done because I was beginning to feel like a voodoo doll.  The guy that stuck me first didn't like the tourniquet, so he use the blood pressure cuff and blew it up until I thought my arm would fall off.  Actually he did it on both arms.  After his two failed attempts, one in each arm, his boss came in and tried twice.  Once in each arm and them got the butterfly and used a surface vain.  When it was all over, I had had all the fun I could stand for one day.

Went to my appointment with Dr. Scott toady and he had the results from my first blood test.  The blood test from my Primary Care Dr. said my LDL's were okay but Dr. Scott's results put my in high category.  Doing a little research the numbers Dr. Scott is looking for are in the "optimal" range.  Then I remembered he said he uses much more strict numbers.  That made me feel a little better.  He says he will be able to save my life. That is a good thing according to my family.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week One - Day Three - Blood Tests and Saliva Test

Today was the end of week one.  It has been an interesting week.  I can hardly believe I pay to have this much fun.  Did more of the same today.  I got cold laser treatment on  my feet.  A spinal decompression treatment. I got to lay on the roller bed with four electrical disks attached to my lower back.  I have been having trouble with my lower back and the decompression and the roller bed have help it feel better.  I got to  soak my feet in Epsom's salts with an electrical current running through the water.  I exercise with a hand bike while I soak my feet.  I have to wear oxygen while I use the hand bike and lay on the decompression bed.

It has been an interesting couple of days as far as test go.  Yesterday I had to do a Saliva test.  For that test I had to put a small roll of cotton (about 1-11/2 inches long and about as big around as a BIC pen) under my tongue four times.  right after I got up, about noon, 5 PM and 10 PM.  One of the things this test was for is to check my cortisol levels through out the day.  Each time it took about twenty minutes.  Then I got stuck.  They drew 8 vials of blood.  The gal drawing blood forgot to warn me she was about to stick me and boy did I jump.  I was then told to fill the little cup and that presented a problem.  Kevin Henry has me on a water pill (to get the swelling in my legs down) and I had used the little cooks room about 10 minutes before I went to have my blood drawn.  Needless to say I could not do what they needed, so I went to my appointment with Dr. Scott and went back to the lab.  By the time I got back to the lab I had no problem filling the little cup.  I get to do it all over again tomorrow, that is have more blood drawn by another lab.  And again I ask, I pay to have this much fun?  I must be nuts.

When I was at Dr. Scott's office today I was taking with his office help about this program and one of his girls said that the staff was using his health program.  When I asked her a few more questions she admitted she was not really following it closely.  This little gal said she is of Italian descent and would be disowned by her family if she went gluten free.  I guess that is one thing that really worries me is the fact I may have to give up things like bread, cookies and such.  These blood tests will tell if I am gluten intolerant.  I am hoping they come back negative, but only time will tell.  From the reading I have done tonight, after going off glutem for 6 months or so, I may be able to introduce a little gluten back into my diet.  Time will tell. But if tht what I have to do to prolong my life then so be it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week One - Day Two - Visit with Dr. Scott

As you can tell from my post yesterday, this post will contain discussions I have with my other Doctor's along with my visits to Dr. Scott.  Dr. Scott is the Chiropractor, Kevin Henry is my Primary Care Doctor, Wes Norwood is my Allergist and Dr. Hardman is my Pulmonologist.  All of these people are concerned about me and want to keep my alive, to which my family, especially Vickie, are very thankful.  I need to make sure I do what they say.

Today the program with Dr. Scott was the same as yesterday.  I asked the gal that was giving the Cold Laser Light Therapy the purpose of it.  She said is works with the cells to rebuild them and get the nerves in my feet to communicate with my brain.  I have been accused of being brain dead, maybe I really am.  The do this treatment to help reverse the peripheral neuropathy.  If you haven't heard of peripheral neuropathy, don't be surprised.  Before I began this journey I didn't either.  It goes by many different names and describes a group of symptoms the appear first in the feet, legs or hands.

There is a great article on peripheral neuropathy and cold laser treatments at

I just wanted to post a little information about the purpose of the different treatments I go through with Dr. Scott. More for my own knowledge,but also to help those that  read this blog understand also. Maybe something I post or some information I post will be of hep to someone.

Have a good evening.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Week One - Day One - The Journey Began Today

The Journey to better health began today.

I thought I needed to add a couple of before pictures for all to see and to keep me reminded of what I need to change.  New pictures will be posted monthly to track my progress.

Cathi, Shawn and family were here last night for Easter Dinner and we talked about the coming changes.  I told them they will see changes and Cath said that everybody could use the changes.  We will see how happy everybody is in the future.  Vickie is excited for them.

I erased all the old posts of my feeble attempts at losing weight.  I left my original post as a reminder to me of somethings I need to remember for personal reasons.  I just spent time on the phone with my little sister.  She is always in my corner and I appreciate her support.  She is always in my corner.  I have talked with a small group of people about this venture and a small number of those know a lot of the details.  I don't need a lot of people bringing their negative vibes into this as it is going to be hard enough.  Dr. Scott says I will have days that I will fall and that is okay just get up and get back at it.

I also got a call from my Primary Care Doctor tonight in following up on an echo cardiogram I had done a few days ago.  He said I don't have congestive heart failure but that I have the precursors to congestive heart failure.  He also said my blood pressure is a high and so he is going to start me on some blood pressure meds.  I am going down fast.  I guess I need to get busy and take this program with Dr. Scott seriously.  I think everybody is going to make sure I do.  And I am thankful for that.

As I said, the journey began today with my first visit to Dr. Scott.  One of the first things Dr. Scott said was "I would not feel like a million bucks tomorrow."  I know he was referring to the fact that I should not expect miracles.  It has taken me 35+ plus years to get in this shape and I have to keep reminding myself that it is going to take a great deal of time to get out of this shape.  That being said, I was taught that round is a shape.

I need to have some blood teats this week and when Dr. Scoot get the results we will begin working on my diet and nutrition.  Until them he is working on the neurological problems.  Dr. Scott told me I have peripheral neuropathy.  To that end part of what they did today was give me a cold laser treatment on my feet.  Soaked my feet in Epsom salts with an electrical charge.  That felt kind of interesting, to feel the muscles in the calves of my legs twitch.  I didn't hurt.  While my feet were soaking he had me use a hand pedal to exercise while I wore oxygen (EWOT).  He wants to get more oxygen in my blood.  I wore the oxygen while they did a decompression on my back.  I then got a whole body vibration.  That was a weird feeling.  Overall I felt pretty good when I left his office.

When I got home, I was telling Vickie about it and she said "That's all they did?  I was expecting some big miracle."  I reminded her how long it took me to get into this shape and it is going to take some time to get out of this shape.  She agreed.  I sure love her.

I will close for tonight.  I get to go back a have Dr. Scott and his staff beat me up more tomorrow.  Good night.