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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week Two - Day Three - Another Step in the Journey

Another visit with the Chiropractor today.  Saw Dr. Scott.  He is good at answering my questions and making sure I understand what is going on and what the test mean.  He is dealing with may of the same issues as his patients and that makes it easier to believe is is in this to help his patients.

I could not remember what the program I am in was called and so I asked and he said it is "Functional Neurology."  As I looked it up on the internet I found quite a bit of information.  He explained to me that more MD's would like to practice functional neurology but can't because their hands are tied by the hospitals, clinics and insurance.  After some of the reading I did today, I believe it.  All the things I read seem to make a lot of sense.  This is going to be a good journey in may ways.

Today I concluded the Th1 test and start the Th2 tomorrow. They take three days each.  I did not have a good or bad reaction to the Th1 test.  Dr. Scott said that was good.  A little bit more about these tests.
T helper cells  (Th cells) are a sub group of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, that play an important role in measuring the immune system, particularly in the adaptive immune system.  They help the activity of other immune cells by releasing T cell cytokines.  They are essential in B cell antibody class switching, in the activation and growth of cytotoxic cells, and in maximizing bactericidal activity of phagocytes such as macrophages.  If you under stand this than you are a better man than me.  It was explained to me as good cells and bad cells.  The Th1 are the bad guys and the Th2 keep them in check.  The Th1 go around randomly and indiscriminately killing cells and when they out number the Th2 there is trouble.  Not that is any clearer but it helps my a little.  You can read more about Th1 and Th2 at:    if you would like.

I followed the same routine as the past five days.  We are still waiting on the rest of test results to go to the next phase of this program.  Dr. Scott expects to have them early next week and then onward and upward.

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