This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rest Stop - Sugar Addiction

If I keep making these rest stops I may never get through this journey.  I know the main purpose of this blog is to journal my visits and program I am following with Dr. Scott, but I am learning a great deal and use these rest stops to share that information.

One of the things I can not have is sugar and boy has that been hard.  I like to keep a dish of candy by my computer and I have a dish of candy in the living room plus other stashes around the house.  When I die they will be finding candy until the millennium, probably.  Anyway, a couple of articles I have read in the last couple of  days deal with sugar addiction.  I have always joked about it but deep down in side I knew it was real.

Here are the two articles:
The first one is titled  Your Brain on Sugar...... It gives you a rush, messes with your mind, and always leaves you wanting more - and now researchers are calling for the government to regulate the sweet stuff like a drug.  Read more...http:// 

The second article is titled  How To Get Over Your Sugar Addiction......Are you a life long sweet tooth(AKA sugar addict)?  Can't finish a meal without something sweet to top it off?  Stomach has a reserve tank purely for sweets?  Me too.  I could be completely full after a meal yet have plenty of room for an 800 calorie dessert.  My palate isn't discriminating either, it loves real sugar and fake sugar, you name it, anything sweet will do.  Read more...http://

Will I give up sugar totally?  I don't think that will happen in this lifetime.  I will cut down considerably though.  Vick said our future treats need to be fruit based and I told her I would still be baking goodies.  There will be cookies and other sweet treats around here but I wont keep them around until they are gone.  I will take them to work or give them to friends and neighbors but I can't see myself quitting the baking and cooking thing because I enjoy it and I have been doing it since I was in the fifth grade.  And at my age that is a long time.  But for now these things are not on my life style change and so when I make something I give it all away.  Time to get get back to my journey.

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