376 lbs |
376 lbs |
Today begins my fifth week with Dr. Scott. It is not day one but actually day 29. Today completes week two of the Repairvite program. Only two more to go and then I start Clearvite. I am not sure how thrilled I am about that but I will at least get to add something new to my diet. I did ask Dr. Scott about the Carmel flavored weed water but he said usually when they add flavors to it, it makes it worse. Besides I have already taken it for two weeks and I only have two more weeks to go. I fell pretty good in the fact that I have lost 24 pounds since this journey began. I hoped for more but I have to realize it took me a lot of years to get in this shape and it is going to take a few to get back in shape. As much I as I wish there was, there is not magic bullet for weight loss. I have tried a large portion of the things out on the market with little or no success. After 29 days I am still not sure why I am working so hard on this journey and program. Maybe it was when my Dr. said, if something didn't change I would be dead in six to eight years. For some reason the word "dead" can cause a lot of changes in ones life.
Today I added a photo journal to this blog. I wanted to have the pictures of me during this journey all in one place as well as contained in the post on the last Monday of the month. Vick says she can tell a difference and maybe I can see a small change in the pictures.
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