One piece of good news this morning is I was down another 1.7 pounds. I am not really trying to lose weight, just watching a little closer to what, how much and when I eat.
That all changed with my visit to Dr. Scott this afternoon. I knew this day was coming. He is only missing one test result but he had enough to change my eating. I am now on what is know as the Repairvite Program. It is A Systemic Dietary and Nutritional Program for Intestinal Barrier Integrity. Better know as Leaky Gut. There is a lot about this program and problem on the Internet. This link is a good one for information about the treatment I am embarking on: It is going to be quite change of life for this household. Dr. Scott says this is phase one and will last about four weeks and then I move into phase two. This should be quite a ride. I am not to keen on giving up sugar and bread and dairy among other things, but Dr. Scott says down the road some of these thing will be re-introduced. As I talked with my daughter about this program tonight she said to do it 100% and don't cheat in any way. I told her that is the plan, Vick and I have a lot of money and faith in Dr. Scott and I have a lot of time invested at this point and I am not going to turn my back on it. Tomorrow morning begins the fun. I am not looking forward to the with drawls from sugar and wheat and other things. That will be the test, can I keep my cool and get through these next few days.
Tonight I suggested something really stupid on my part. I told Vick we needed to go to dinner and enjoy my last supper before I started cleaning up my act tomorrow. We went to Golden Corral all you can eat. We took the kids with us. That part was fun. The twins were really good and ate a lot. Issac was good too. He ate a lot of lasagna and plenty of sweets. We had a hard time explaining to him why we were doing something bad for our bodies tonight, so we could start being good tomorrow. That boy is to smart and he is only five. It is after 11 and I am feeling miserable. I think I am going to have a drink of water and go to bed.
Let the fun begin........................................
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