Anyway, back to my Cookie Zone. I lost just a couple of tenths of a pound more than I gained last week and I was thankful for that. A sixty pound loss is within reach. Hopefully this week. Vick and my friends have commented on how baggy my clothes are getting.
I am linking to an article that talks about that fact that saturated fats are not the reason for the rise in cholesterol in our LDL's. I am not taking a side either way, just giving food for thought. It is titled "It Ain't The Fat People." The link is:
I will have to admit I have gone off the grid a little more lately than I should have, but that is life. I will also admit I feel better when I eat clean. So I always end up going back to it. But as I have said before, some of the habits I have made over the last sixty years are going to be hard to break and will take some time.
Vick commented tonight I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for the program Dr. Scott has me on and I told her I was still behind it. She then asked if I had been keeping my food journal and doing everything the Dr. asked me to do and that I had committed to do and I had to admit I hadn't so I now commit on this blog to get back to being serious about my program. My goal is still to lose 100 pounds by the end of the year.
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