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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rest Stop - Eat Fish and Live Longer

Today is the last day of Repairvite.  In celebration  made Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats and before you jump to conclusions I did not eat one.  I took some to one of the schools I work at and the rest went to my grandchildren, with a small one for Vick because they are her favorite.

One thing I forgot to mention in my last Rest Stop was the fact that for some reason last Sunday (May 15th) was probably one of the hardest days I have had on this journey.  I am not even sure why because the night before mom and dad had an ice cream party and I wasn't even tempted.  Everybody had ice cream and cookies and I had an apple.  It wasn't that I fixed a special dinner for Vick on Mother's Day that made Sunday so tough.  We had Hawaiian Hay Stacks and it was okay with it.  I guess maybe it was just one of those days.  But I did not give up or in.

I think this maybe one of those weeks you have while trying to lose weight when your body plateaus and the weight loss is next to or non existent.  We will see next Monday.  And if it is, so be it.  I know I wont keep losing weight at the rate of 5-6 pounds a week.  Just so long as I keep losing.  Even 1 pound a week is 52 pounds in a year and my goal is to be down a total of 60-70 lbs by the end of the year.

A couple of interesting things I read in the recent past.  The first one is a quiz about fish.  There are seventeen questions and I got 15 of them right.  I know a lot about the health benefits of fish but we don't eat it often enough.  In the past we very rarely had fish but now it is at least every other week, working to at least weekly.  The link is:  http://

The second article is about Eating Fish and Living Longer.  Interesting read about the benefits of eating fish.  The link is: http://

The last article is about the fact that Sugar Substitutes can help you lose weight.  I wont be using any but it is a good read.  http://
I wont be going sugar free either.  But I will definitely cut down considerably on my sugar intake.  I have a good friend, who's daughter lost over 70 lbs in the last year and one of the things she did was cut out sugar.  If sugar or any sweetener's are listed in the first five ingredients, she wont buy the product.  I will probably follow a program like that.  Even though I don't drink much soda and none for the last four weeks, I couldn't resist adding this picture.

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