This blog is now going to be my vision board. It will contain information about diet and exercise along with cartoons and other things that I chose to post here as I go along this journey.

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week Six - Day Three - Water

The title means this is the third visit this week and this is the sixth week of this journey.  I have actually been on this journey for 39 days.  Starting next week I will be seeing Dr. Scott just twice a week and that will go for six weeks.  It is hard to believe I have been on this journey for six weeks.  Losing 30 lbs n 39 days  makes me happy.  I have six days left on Repairvite.  Then three days of a modified water fast and then I start Clearvite.  The good thing about starting Clearvite is I get to bring brown rice and nuts back into my diet.  I know as things get reintroduced into my diet I will not be losing weight at this rate and I know to continue at this rate is not healthy anyway.  My goal is to lose about another 30-40 lbs by the end of the year.  I need to start walking and that will be this week.  It should help the weight losing.

Now on to the visit at Dr. Scott's office today.  When I get there I am usually the only one there and it is nice.  It allows me to get through my routine fairly quickly.  My back is beginning to feel a lot better.

As you can see today I have been giving a lot of thought to water.  Since the only two things I can have at this point to drink are 1. Coconut Milk.  The coconut milk has to be below 12 in the sugar department and the type I have now has 6 grams of sugar in a serving.  So it is okay.  Vick puts a half of a cup in my smoothies and they taste great, especially if I add some cinnamon.  The other thing I get to drink is of course H2O.  I don't mind that at all because I have been drinking a lot of water for a long time.  I have a mug that holds 64 ounces of water and Dr. Scott says I should be drinking two of them everyday.  I usually don't have a problem doing that.

I came across a good read on the reasons we should be drinking water..... 6 Reasons to Drink Water from WebMDhttp://

Another good article by the Mayo Clinic.... Water: How much should you drink everyday?

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