My Repairvite journey ended yesterday. I can't say I am gong to miss it, although the weed water actually began to taste sweet at the end. I guess that may be because I have not had any sweet treats in 30 days. I even made three desserts and didn't sample any of them. I even went so far as to wash the little bit I got on my fingers and hands. Vick is surprised at how well I am doing. I am not sure why I am doing so well, I think there is some help from my guardian angels. I started my three day modified water fast today. I think this is going to be a bigger test than Repairvite was. I get a gallon of water with the juice of five lemons, five limes and 4 Tablespoons of Grade B real maple syrup mixed in it. It is 10:30 PM and I am down to my last 20 ounces. I think I am going to be up all night, making trips to the bathroom. Because on top of all this water I am still taking a water pill. Boy the fun I am having. But my daughter did say she could see a difference and that made me feel good.
I was listening to the radio today and heard about a study conducted by UCLA. In the study the participants were between the ages of 12-18. They bought lunch at both McDonald's and Subway. When calories were totaled, less than 100 calories separated McDonald's and Subway. Subway had less but more sodium. The study was not scientific but very interesting.
Subway says it is the "leading choice for people seeking quick nutritious meals"....Read more
Since I am on a liquid diet for the next couple of days I have been reading about water and juice. The fist article is about "Juice Wars: The Best and Worst for Your Health". Who doesn't enjoy a tall, cool glass of juice?...more
The second article is more about water. I know I posted about water but one more, since again that is all I get right now. Water Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Hydration? Take the test at:
I apologize to anyone that is offended or upset because of the jokes, sayings, pictures and anything that makes light of being overweight but I include them because it is a way for me to laugh at myself. April 1st I was over 400 lbs and now I am under 365 lbs. And it is just the beginning of this journey that will last the rest of my life.
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