Time to stop again along this journey. This time it is to post a new recipe. Since I started the Repairvite phase of this journey and now that I am on the Clearvite phase and can't have beef or pork we am eating a lot more fish. This recipe and picture come from the Sunkist Produce site. The link is http://www.sunkist.com/recipes/steelhead-mandarin-in-parchment_1063.aspx There are several good recipes on this site.
Steelhead Mandarin in Parchment Paper
1/4 cup green olives, pitted and sliced
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 tsp fresh oregano, chopped
6 green onions with green tops, chopped
2 Sunkist lemons, juiced
3 Sunkist gold nugget mandarin oranges, one zested, all peeled and segmented
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
4 each steelhead fillets, 6 oz
4 pieces parchment paper, 8"x 12" size
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place 2 baking sheets in oven.
Instructions: (makes 4 servings)
Combine olives, red bell pepper, oregano, mandarin zest and segments, half of the green onions and lemon juice in a small bowl. Set aside. Lay out parchment paper. Divide half of the green onion evenly on one half of each of the parchment sheets. Place a steelhead filet on each bed of green onions, season with salt and pepper. Top with orange mixture. Fold sheets of parchment paper over the top of the fish. Fold edges of the parchment together, making small overlapping folds along the edge to seal tightly. Place packets on heated baking sheets. Bake 15 to 18 minutes. Transfer packets to individual plates. Make a slice in the middle of the packet and tear paper open to reveal the fish.
Note: I have to omit the red bell pepper because I can not have peppers while I am did the Repaivite program and while I am doing the Clearvite program.
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